
Interactive Installation / Creative Coding

Windloom is an interactive installation NIME (new interface for musical expression) project. It was inspired by my own childhood memory of my grandmother, who spent almost her whole life in the village of Hebei province of northern China. It is a re-designed combination of wind box, a bellow-like tool for starting a fire for cooking, and weaving loom, two things that I remember the most about her.

The wake-up call in the village is the sound of a rooster crow along with the wind box heavily breathing, which was grandma cooking. Late in the night, the loom singing in a rhythm, that is the sound my grandmother weaving. She passes away ten years ago, I decided to make one piece that reminds me of her.

Using the technique of physical computing and Max MSP, with different gestures of pulling wind box, touching threads, and weaving, as well as with the music composing, I tried to reveal different layers of story-telling in the performance.

织风 是一件NIME新型乐器作品,灵感来自童年时对于河北农村的姥姥的回忆:织布机和风箱。夏天的麦地,冬天的棉衣,平坦的屋顶,干燥的风,大织布机,土垒的灶台的风箱,拉起来被炊烟迷了眼睛。音乐的编排上,从初始的风雨雷电声等自然声音开始,逐渐加强觉醒、生存、缅怀。以织布机的“织”的动作承上启下。


Sea & Mulberry Field